Valori Wells Aurifil and Robert Kaufman Giveaway



Valori Wells possesses an incredible gift of capturing the true essence of natural beauty that surrounds her and putting those colors and and images into her art. Her background as a photographer and painter brings a unique perspective and a special quality to her fabric lines.  You can find whatever you may be looking for with blender options in Blueprint Basics or lavish colors and designs in her new fabric collection Quill.  With so many choices, you will never be disappointed with Valori’s designs.

Celebration quilt

Valori’s lovely colors are now available in Aurifil thread collections, all carefully coordinated to match her fabric lines. These collections are offered in both the large box, including 12 spools (1,422 yds each) of Aurifil 50wt. cotton thread, and the small box, including 10 spools (220 yds. each) of 50 wt. thread.

Aurifil and Robert Kaufman have teamed up once again to bring you an amazing giveaway featuring an Aurifil large spool collection and four fat quarter bundles ( the entire collection) of Blueprint Basics.


Wells Lrg Thread Kit



Blueprint Basics FQs VERT

Entering  is easy for your chance to win a Valori Wells thread collection from Aurifil and the entire collection of Blueprint Basics by using the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Entries accepted until Monday, July 28 at midnight EST. Winner will be announced on or about , July 31.

The giveaway end date was incorrectly posted so this giveaway ended a day early.  We will be running a second giveaway to make up for the mistake with TWO winners each receiving a Valori Wells large spool Aurifil collection!

To enter the new giveaway please visit the newest blog post




  1. Oh my what a wonderful giveaway – love those fabrics by Valori – basics are becoming my new favourites as they are so versatile and of course Love the thread colour choices – thanks and fingers crossed !!

  2. What a great give away. I can teach my grand daughters and daughter to sew with this.

  3. I enjoy sewing during winter. Winter’s the time I love to cook meals that take time in the oven like Osso Buco…….. imagine sitting by the fire all snug & warn occasionally looking out the window at the cold, foggy day outside. The house smells of Osso Buco slowing cooking in the oven, spending most of the day sewing. If I was to win all of those glorious colours of the fabric & threads……. well it would be like stitching a rainbow = delightful stitching !

  4. Any season is my favorite sewing season! I’m happiest when I am creating…any time of the year.

  5. I sew daily on my quilting year ’round and would love to win this giveaway! Gorgeous fabrics and beautiful thread… does it get any better than that?

  6. I love to sew during any season, but it is easier when the weather is bad outside. Sunshine is very tempting!

  7. I love sewing in all seasons, but I have more time to do it in the summer. Thanks for the awesome chance to win!

  8. OH! Be still my beating heart! What a color-glorious giveaway. Thanks for the chance.
    I do my most quilting in July and January. Too hot or too cold to go anywhere and locked up in the house. But I’m most inspired in the fall.

  9. My favourite season to sew is the ones with vowels in them! 😉

    I prefer to sew in Autumn and Spring but really enjoy making raggy quilts in winter because I get to snuggle in them while doing allllll that snipping 🙂

    What an AMAZING prize pack! Thanks for the chance to enter <3

  10. I also sew mostly thru Winter months…but do sew during rest of the year too lol……am just inside more during Winter! 🙂 Loooove this give-a-way!! Thanks for chance to partiocipate, even tho I don’t do Face book, etc etc…. Doooo Appreciate it!! 🙂

  11. I probably sew most in fall… before my basement sewing room gets so cold that I have to wear a jacket to go down there.

  12. Lately I’ve been craving Christmas patterns, so I guess my favorite season to sew IN is summer and my favorite season to sew FOR is Christmas!

  13. I love to sew any time of the year, but love to sew the most in the fall. I always have gift ideas for Christmas gifts, and I go to a couple quilt retreats where I have more fun than ever! I love the colors offered in this giveaway!

  14. I sew all year, but get very productive in the winter. Love the colors of these fabrics and of course the beautiful thread 🙂

  15. I love sewing in the winter, especially since my sewing room does not get too hot when I have my iron on. Summer is killer.

  16. Winter, living in an RV, irons are too hot for the summer, so can’t press my seams

  17. I love sewing! I like sewing in winter the best. When the days are short and there are ever so many sewing possibilities.

  18. I like creating anytime. Autumn/Halloween/Thanksgiving themes might be my favorites though.

  19. I like to quilt in the hot, hot summer when it is too hot to do anything else, and in the winter when the fireplace is going and I’m cozy in my sewing room nearby.

  20. I love to especially sew in the winter time, but I craft and sew all year around. It keeps me sane!

  21. I love to sew in the winter – that’s when I have Christmas behind me and I’m full of inspiration for next Christmas for gifts!!!

  22. I love creating all year long, but Halloween/Fall time is a favorite. Love the cooler weather and the rich fall colors that show up.

  23. I tend to sew more in the winter – I feel like I should be outside in the summer soaking up the Vitamin D. Thanks so much for sharing

  24. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall … I like to sew during them all. LOVE the Aurifil thread colors and also the colors in the fabric bundles. Those are definitely my colors, bright and happy.

  25. My favorite season to sew is in the winter. I do not like snow so sewing is something fun I can do at home.

  26. Beautiful giveaway. I like to sew in the fall and winter until I can start working outside.

  27. I love to sew all year long but get more done in the summer as I work as a secretary at a high school and have 6 weeks off from work in the summer. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  28. Winter is my favorite time to quilt. It gets dark early, it’s cold, and it is usually snowing so can’t be outside much. I get sooo much more quilting done in the winter! great giveaway – thanks for the chance!

  29. I don’t have a particular season. It’s year round for me. It’s a great option for cold winter days, but the snow makes it so much more difficult to meet up with my group, and four additional pairs of eyes are always appreciated!

  30. I love to sew all seasons! I love to make summer dresses and Christmas decorations!

  31. Season?? there are seasons out there? I have no idea, but I suspect all seasons will be my fav.. winter for the warmth sewing brings, spring watching out the window at the world blooming

  32. Sewing Season for me is all year. I love to sew. We all seem to have a little more time in the Winter months when we don;t go out in the bad weather.

  33. My favorite season to sew is every season. If I have to pick, I would pick Fall. I love the crisp weather, and I’m starting Christmas presents.

  34. The only season that I don’t find conducive to quilting is spring. There’s just too much to do in the garden. But, the rest of the year you’ll find me in my sewing room.

  35. Oh I love Summer best….Mornings when the sun starts to shine in my sewing space and afternoons sitting on the porch watching my granddaughter and little doggies play while I hand sew a bit and savor a nice cup of coffee………

  36. I sew all year round but I do sew more in the Winter because I love to be in the garden in the Summer.

  37. Winter is when I have the most time to sew. I do however attend “Sewturday” with my sisters every Saturday.

  38. Quilting just feels right in the winter, but it’s really an “all season sport” 🙂

  39. It doesn’t really matter what season….I do like to make sure that I sew on vacation and hope to get a week of catch-up 🙂

  40. My favoriteseason would be late winter to early spring. When the birds are on the feeders and a few flowers are peeking through a late snow. I follow on facebook as Amy Whitlock Caldwell and twitter as @See_Amy_Sew

  41. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE rainbow quilts. They make me happy inside and out, all year long as I stitch.

  42. I love to sew every season! I feel more inspired in the summer but I seem to get more done when it’s cold out because I’m inside!

  43. I sew all year round but I probably do more in Autumn and Winter getting the Christmas presents ready. x

  44. May I PLEASE have someone help me to fix this iuse, every newsletter comes through like thisPLEASE

    Marlene van Berkel


  45. winter when it’s cold outside and I can be cosy in my sewing room with Netflix and no guilt that I should be outside!

  46. Wow, great colours. I like sewing everytime, especially with such wonderful thread and fabrics.

  47. I love to sew in all seasons, but especially winter when it’s too cold to be outside anyway, so I feel better about spending the whole day at the sewing machine.

  48. I have summer off with my job so with lots of time on my hands it’s my favourite season to sew – Although I only got my sewing machine in June so this is the only season I’ve sewn!

  49. I sew all seasons when I have time (between 2 jobs and 3 kids), I sew for gifts, so before Christmas and before 1/8 March ( some specials days for women in Romania) I sew a lot.

  50. I haven’t been sewing that long, so I want to do it ALL the time. I dream of fabric and thread and spend hours looking at quilt patterns on the web and in magazines and books. I want to make everything!

  51. I sew all year around, but I prefer to sew in the fall and winter when it is cooler. Also, summer is so busy that it is harder to find time to sew. Thanks!

  52. Every season is “sewing season.” I especially love to sew when it is snowing or raining outdoors.

  53. Any season is a good sewing season! Beautiful collection as always 🙂 Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  54. I make quilts for someone who is bipolar. The quilts are used to wrap herself in for security. You can never have too much of that in your life. This would make for some wonderfully happy quilts!!

  55. I would have to say I like to sew in winter. Partly because it’s better weather to have a quilt on top of me, but also because there is less going on in the winter. In the summer my sewing has to compete with a lot of other things going on. Thanks for the chance to win such awesome prizes!

  56. I sew because I am addicted to fabric and the creative process. Aurafil is the best thread and those FQ packs look awesome as well. Thanks for the chance!

  57. I sew some most of the year but I really get serious about it in the fall because I usually want to get things finished for Christmas.

  58. All 5 seasons (you know quilting is the 5th season:)
    Anytime of year I get a lovely feeling just holding a quilted project on my lap and stitching, or sitting at my machine looking out a westward window to see the sunrise, sunglow and sunset.

  59. Stunning fabric collection and the thread is beautiful – I want it all!

  60. I enjoy sewing the most in the winter, seems like your stuck inside that time of year. Thanks for the generous giveaway.

  61. I love cuddling up with a project on the couch when the weather is cold, or drizzly. This is an amazing giveaway. Thanks so much.

  62. I love to sew all year long, but I would say that the winter is my favorite time. It gets dark early and it is easier to settle into the quiet and sew!

  63. I prefer to quilt during the Winter and Spring, although Fall is a good time too. And, in Phoenix, what else am I supposed to do in Summer?

  64. Fall is my favorite season to sew although I find any season of the year to be a good time.

  65. I am not sure I have a season I like “best”, but I seem to get more done in the summer and winter, I am not sure why!

  66. I sew all year, whenever I get a bit of time. I think I am sewing more this summer than usual for some reason.

  67. Don’t have a favorite season, as there are always projects going. I don’t like to sew when it is HOT and humid. But otherwise……I’m sewing something!
    I would love to win!

  68. Anytime of year – there is always something going on and new fabrics to try. Thanks! notwendy gmail

  69. Well, in my book…there is NO season not to sew or quilt! I sew all year long…..and each season always adds something to the creative process. These fabrics are wonderful!! They would sure to be a great addition to my stash. And Aurifil thread…..what’s not to like?? Best thread, the only one I ever use.

  70. I love to sew all year round but do majority of it in the winter time because I tend to have more time. I love sewing Christmas projects. bluefin711(at)yahoo(dot)com.

  71. My favorite season to sew is the summer. I didn’t realize this unitl I saw I was always too rushed in the winter, the fall so much is going on and then the spring gets me raring to go again to bring me full circle and at 100% in the summer. I’ll be all wrapped up in a quilt with the A/C on lol

  72. I sew all year but mostly in fall, winter and spring. love the material and threads to match

  73. Winter is probably my favorite time to sew, as I have more time then, but I love to sew all year round. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  74. Love the threads and love the fabric bundles! I’m in! I don’t have an off season for sewing. I quilt all year long! That was easy.

  75. I love sewing mostly in the spring and fall so my fingers don’t get too cold but it’s not too hot to be covered in fabric!

  76. I saw the giveaway and yelled, “Shut the front door!!!!” Hubby looks at me and I sheepishly say, “Nevermind!” and then enter the fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the wonderful chance! I sew whenever I can, but a cold miserable day is my favorite day to sew!

  77. For me, every season is sewing season! But I probably do the most productive sewing in winter in the months following Christmas. Love the fabrics and threads!

  78. I love winter for the larger quilts. I hand quilt, so it is nice to have a lap warmer to work on. I love summer for the embroidery projects, they are nice and small and wasy to travel with. So really I love to sew in all seasons, I just adjust my projects.

  79. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway. I love to sew all the time, especially during the Summer. The days are longer so it means more time to sew plus it is too hot to go outside.

  80. I sew all year ’round! I don’t think I have a favorite. When I lived where we had four seasons, I loved sewing at the end of summer and the beginning of fall to make the new fall fashions.

  81. Winter is my favourite season to sew – I do sew all year round but much prefer to cooler weather, particularly for quilting.

  82. I love to make things for people so I guess my favourite sewing season is Winter in the run up to Christmas!

  83. All four seasons are my favorite. It is a constant in my daily life. Thank you for the opportunity.

  84. My favorite season to sew is probably late fall or late winter. So much easier to be inside when my garden is not calling my name!

  85. I love to sew whenever I have time. Winter is usually crazy busy in our house, so typically summer is when I have more ‘me’ time.

  86. all seasons lol, my sewing room is in a windowless basement so i never know the season lolol
    but spring is fun with all the new fabrics that come out and bright colors.

  87. I love to sew in all seasons! Though if I have to pick a favorite time, probably around the christmas season because I get to sew a lot 🙂

  88. I sew in any season! When it comes to season of life though… it was much easier to sew before I had children, but now that I have kids, I mostly sew children’s clothes and my sewing has improved 1000% from working through Oliver+S patterns! I was only commenting to my hubby the other day how sewing was much easier without kids, but my technique is better now because of them!

  89. This would be awesome! I love Valori’s use of color and Robert Kaufman fabrics are always terrific.

  90. I love to sew all year, but my favorite season is the fall, when I am making gifts.

  91. Summer in Arizona is great season to sew, because it is too hot to do anything else. thanks, kathy

  92. Every season is good to sew! There is something about sewing in the winter and being surrounded by warm fabrics when it is chilly outside.

  93. I don’t think I have a favorite season to sew. Since I juggle multiple crafts my sewing tends to be based on when I need something (a home item, a gift, a costume for my daughter, etcetera).

  94. Awesome giveaway! I can only sew when it is sunny, I can’t sew at night and not when it is cloudy, so as long as it is sunny, I will sew!

  95. I like to sew during every last one of the major seasons and mid seasons and pseudo seasons and brief seasons. I guess I am an any season sewer,

  96. Any season is sewing season. That being said, I most active in the fall. Probably because I love fall colors and, well, there’s Christmas coming 🙂

  97. My favorite time to sew is “Quilting season” lol. I sew year round, but spring and fall are my favorites. The colors of those seasons is inspirational. Thank you so much for the chance to win these beautiful threads and fabrics!!!!

  98. I mostly sew in the winter when I can’t be in the garden. I SHOULD sew in the summer/fall making Christmas presents, but I never seem to get there….. 🙂

  99. I sew all year round, but fall and winter seem to be the most productive. During Spring and summer there is just so much else going on. Thank you so much for the amazing giveaway! Love the fabric and thread.

  100. I love to sew year round. I guess summer is my favorite as I have more free time to devote to sewing.

  101. My favourite season(s) to sew are autumn, winter and spring. It gets far too hot here in Western Australia during the summer to sit under a quilt, or to do hand sewing and my hands get too hot.

    I would love to win these fabrics and threads – I’m starting to make quilts for all my family and I’ve still got a long way to go (problem of being the oldest of five, with everyone else having at least two children (so far)). All my inspiration is on Pinterst!

  102. My favorite season to sew during is summer. I am a teacher and do not work over the summer, so I have the most time for sewing 🙂

  103. My favorite season is Autumn. it’s the perfect time to sew as the temps allow the windows open and the colors and decorations are such inspiration. Even the smells of apple cider, pumpkin pie and autumn leaves make me want to sew cozy quilts.

  104. I sew all year long and in every season. Yay sewing love the fabric and thread yummy stuff!

  105. I like to sew in every season, but my favorite is early Autumn. Its a bit chilly and the turning of the leaves can provide such fun color inspiration.

  106. I sew the quilting portion in the winter as I live in Florida and it is quite warm but do some piecing in the summer and selection of patterns. this set is lovely and would make some nice items

  107. Summer. It’s too hot to go outside so I see…mostly dresses, tops and bags… Quilting is for winter. 🙂

  108. I’m a slowpoke, so if I didn’t quilt year ’round I’d never finish anything! Lucky for me quilting is great in every season, with lots of inspiration all around me: spring flowers poking through the snow, young birds begging their parents for food at my feeders in summer, brilliant autumn leaves like jewels (and that brilliant blue autumn sky), and winter snow accentuating the bare tree branches. 🙂 Sure would love to win this giveaway!

  109. Favorite season to sew: all of them! They each have their own benefit. Summer is great for sewing projects for fall and winter and winter is great for spring projects, you get the idea! : )
    What a great giveaway!!!

  110. I usually have more time to sew in the late fall and winter…though I am planning my next project all the time! I love Valori’s color palette!

  111. Please I want, I want, I need, I need. What a lovely prize and I really desire to have it. Please

  112. I’m a year round quilter, but I like to add some clothing construction for some variety.

  113. I sew to relax, and to create art. I think quilts are often overlooked and not considered art, but I love to create a little piece of art with each quilt I make!

  114. My favorite season to quilt is fall, with nice bright colours, or winter, again with the brights, It’s a real mood lifter when the weather is cold and it’s dreary outside.

  115. I like to sew in the fall because it’s cooler and I am usually making Christmas gifts. Thank you for the chance to win.

  116. Summer is the season, I love sewing for. It helps that summer weather lasts for 5 months here!

  117. My favorite season to sew is every season! I have my machines set up in front of a big window so that I can watch the seasons change and enjoy stitching even more!

  118. All seasons, but it is better in the winter – not as hot (even with air conditioning!)

  119. My favorite season to sew is the season when I have a lot of time for it. Which changes year to year.

  120. I love sewing every season–in summer when it’s too hot, in winter when it’s too cold… Fall when it’s getting dark and spring when it’s getting light.

  121. I like to sew in any season, but prefer fall and spring. I need to sew more in winter to keep my spirits up!

  122. Sewing in the winter is best for me, it’s usually dark and gloomy here so the bright fabrics cheer me up.

  123. I love to sew year round, in the hot summer days in the early morning, others seasons anytime of the day.

  124. My favorite season to sew is winter, but I sew year round and today is really my favorite day to sew!

  125. I sew all year but I love to sew in the summer when I have more time and sometimes I take my sewing outside. I’m loving all the beautiful bright colours in this giveaway.

  126. I love to sew all year, but Fall may be my favorite – all that nesting and preparing for winter.

  127. i love fall and winter best but in the summer i turn the air conditioner down so i can hand quilt and not overheat! quilting is an addiction for me, i have to be working on a quilt all year long. it keeps me sane!!

  128. Love every season to sew….there are endless possibilities with the colours in this collection!

  129. I love to sew in Fall – I feel inspired by the back to school season to maybe get some gifts made for Christmas or finish a quilt so I can start a new block of the month next year! Of course I quilt all the time, but fall seems to get me stitching faster:) Thanks for a great giveaway!

  130. I love to sew during every season…I just seem to have more time during the winter!

  131. I sew year round – more quilt making in the winter months than during warmer months, but I always have something I’m sewing, regardless of the season.

  132. I love to sew in the summer! But really, any season is the sewing season!! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  133. I like to sew in the winter because it helps keep the doldrums away while the weather is dreary.

  134. I would sew all day and all night long in every season if my husband would let me. But for some reason he thinks I should cook and clean the house, isn’t it enough that I clean my sewing room up when one of the kids come home to visit. I love to sew anytime.This is a wonderful giveaway.

  135. What a BEAUTIFUL prize! I love it! I think my favorite season is late fall/early winter, in anticipation of completing projects in time for them to be Christmas gifts.

  136. Love, love, love these yummy colors! Each season is special ~ in the springtime, the earth awakens with such lovely flowers and new leaves on the trees; summertime brings longer daylight and home grown tomatoes ♥; fall’s crisp air is delicious with all of the beautiful autumn colors; winter is a good time to stay toasty warm inside. When all is said and done, spring is my favorite. It used to be summer, but the humidity has made me change my mind. 😉 LOL Thanks a bunch for the chance to win your awesome giveaway! ☺

    my nana maree @ yahoo . com

  137. Love aurifil all year long, but especially love quilting when it’s cold with a hot cup of cocoa

  138. Every season is a great time to sew, especially with those bright colors. Love the fabrics and LOVE Aurifil thread!

  139. I live in Southern California so I don’t have a favorite season ti sew. They’re all great!

  140. My favorite season to sew for is for the Holidays. So many beautiful and creative gifts to make friends and family!!!

  141. I love to sit and hand stitch binding in the winter when it’s cold. It’s my favorite thing in the world! Too bad all my quilts can’t wait for binding until it freezes lol!

  142. I like to sew whenever I have the chance, so no particular favorite season. However, when I sew on a nice summer day, and can leave the windows open and get a nice breeze in the house, it’s quite heavenly.

  143. The colors of this collection make my heart sing! My favorite season to sew is whenever I can find the time. 🙂 Any day is a good day to sew.

  144. What a beautiful collection and giveaway, thanks!! EVERY season is my favorite season to sew! Seriously!!

  145. Love this thread and fabric! It’s gorgeous! Anytime of year is a good time, but fall works the best for me.:)

  146. I don’t usually enter giveaways but I just adore your thread. As for when I like to sew. All year long. Really would hate to have to only sew during one season.

  147. My favorite season to sew???? All seasons are good but I think I get more done during the fall of the year. Getting ready for Christmas!

  148. I like to sew year round! Fall does bring on the nesting tendency so maybe a bit more then. thanks for the chance to win!

  149. Just got the email about this today, contest says open until midnight tonight? but rafflecopter says contest is closed.

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