Literary by Heather Givans

Books and their readers are celebrated in Literary, Heather Givans of Crimson Tate’s newest collection for Windham Fabrics. From the beautifully ornate papers found on the insides of classic novels like Moby Dick or The Boxcar Children, to the printed text of Anne of Green Gables, Heather has created a collection that will enthrall bookworms, bibliophiles, and sewers alike. Whether you’re someone who stacks books neatly or more of the shoveling books into every crevice of your home type, the joy of reading and sewing is found in Literary. To view the lookbook, click here or on the cover image below.

Heather’s debut Aurifil thread collection features a large box of 50wt threads in coordinating colors and a small box of our Aurifloss for perfectly accented details.


12 Large Spools, 50wt (1422yds/spool), 100% Aurifil Cotton
1125 – 6730 – 6734 – 2785 – 2545 – 6724
6726 – 4140 – 2588 – 2606 – 1320 – 5004

10 Small Spools, Aurifloss (18yds/spool), 6-Strand, 100% Aurifil Cotton
1200 – 2220 – 1147 – 2735 – 4020
2535 – 4093 – 5005 – 2600 – 5011

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you first got started in the world of sewing and quilting?
I was teaching high school art (for nearly 10 years) when my mom revealed to me that she wanted to learn to quilt.   I took her to a quilt camp for adults where I was a summer camp counselor.  I loved the process and she has never finished a quilt!

Do you remember your first quilt and how you felt once it was complete?
I do remember my first quilt.  It had nine blocks and each of the blocks had 40+ pieces in it.  I was at that first quilt camp I’d ever been to and I stayed up all night to try to get to the finish.  I still have it in alllll its wonky glory and I consider it quite an achievement.

Kasbah Paw Quilt by Sarah Sharp, Quilted by Dan Clayton

Who or what has been your greatest creative inspiration?
Whoa.  That’s a deep question.  It’s hard to pinpoint one person.  Having a degree in art, many of my college professors were great motivators and characters who inspired me and pushed me to develop my aesthetic.  I would definitely say I’m influenced by fine art.  Paintings by Marc Rothko, John Singer Sargent, and mixed media and social artists like Barbara Krueger have a warm place in my heart.  I have a lot of heroes in the quilting industry, too. Denyse Schmidt and Amy Butler being in top ten.

How did you first connect with Windham Fabrics and what do you love most about working with them?
Seriously.  The crew at Windham Fabrics couldn’t be more stellar.  I feel incredibly supported and inspired by the whole gang.  I knew them through my professional connections first as the proprietor of Crimson Tate :: Modern Quilter fabric store.  I love that they give me freedom to do what I want but also lend a critical eye and ear to my process.  I love them so much.

Succulent Garden by Heather Givans, Sewn by Jenny Leisure, Quilted by Dan Clayton

Tell us about your latest collection, Literary. What inspired the collection?
BOOOOOOOKSSSSS!!! This is my third collection and each one has been inspired by things I love.  I love Succulents.  I love Paper.  I love Reading.  Anne of Green Gables, The Boxcar Children, Moby Dick? All are some of my favorite books.  I love discussing what I’m reading and I love to hear what other people are reading, too.  The collection comes out of my book wormy-ness.

Do you have a favorite project made with the collection? 
YES!  I super love my Personal Library Quilt.  When I was designing the collection, I knew I wanted to make a bookshelf quilt so some of the pieces were selfish so that I could use them in that project!

Personal Library Quilt by Heather Givans, Machine Embroidery by David Barnhouse, Quilting by Joan Hunn

When did you first discover Aurifil threads and what do you love most about them? 
One of my customers recommended that I try Aurifil thread.  We bought a few boxes of basics and haven’t looked back since.  At Crimson Tate we carry 50wt in oodles of colors as well as Aurifloss threads.  I love the grandness of it and the specific weight.  1400+ yards on a spool?  I’ll take it.

Do you have a favorite color/weight and why?
I’m a major 50wt fan and Moonshine is my favorite color right now.  I chose it specifically for collection box because it is so universal!  It’s so pretty and silvery without being too silver, you know?

Your Aurifil collections for Literary feature a large box of 50wt and a small box of floss. Why was it important to you to have both weights included?
I did a fair amount of embroidery both machine and hand for the quilt projects using Literary.  I knew that I needed both.  I love hand embroidery and quilting with thicker strands.  I’m more of a 3-4 strand kind of girl.

What is your favorite type of hand-stitching project?
I’ve recently completed an EPP project called Reading Circle that I designed specifically for Literary.  And while I did like the EPP part of it, I am much enjoying the hand quilting of the block.  I have taken a few lessons with a friend of mine who is in her 90s.  She has been teaching me to hand quilt.  According to her, I’ve got a long way to go.  😉 I would agree.

Reading Circle EPP — in progress by Heather Givans

How many strands of floss do you typically use in your embroidery projects?
If I’m feeling gluttonous, I go for all six.  But typically, I use three strands.

Bookmark by Amanda Castor, Quilted by Dan Clayton

What top thread tip would you want to share with our readers? 
You can’t be afraid of failing.  If you’ve got an idea, work through it.  I have found so many times that my initial sketch or calculation is way off but I learn something in the process.  If I worried about getting it right, having never done it before, I’d never begin.  And be sure to give yourself room for imperfection while striving for precision (if precision is important to you).  It’ll all come out in the wash.

Where can we find you this year? 
I’m excited to share my official ‘where to find me’ calendar below (thank you Mary Whitaker!) Otherwise, you will always find me downtown Indianapolis hanging out with my buddies at Crimson Tate.

April 20: Carmel High School
April 26 – 29: AQS Spring Paducah Quilt Show – Paducah, KY
May 3: Columbus Star Quilters – Columbus, IN
May 5 – 6: Thimbles Quilt Shop – Chicago, IL
May 12 – 13: Happy Apple Quilts – Tampa, FL
May 19 – 21: Quilt Market – St Louis, MO
June 17 – 18:   Detroit guild with Lish – Detroit, MI
July 27 – 29: One Stop Shop Hop – Kokomo, IN
Aug 11 – 12:  Sew Yeah Quilting – Las Vegas, NV
Sept 14 – 16:  Quilter’s Choice – Jupiter, FL
Sept 20 – Oct 1:  OH Craft Sew-IN
Oct 28 – 30:  International Quilt Market – Houston, TX
Nov 1:  Pocket Square Event

Library Sign Quilt by Heather Givans


To enter-to-win 1 Large Literary Thread Collection and one FQ Bundle of Literary by Heather Givans for Windham Fabrics, click here to head to the Rafflecopter entry page, or simply click on the image above. You do not have to complete all the options to be entered but the more options you choose, the more entries you have!  Entries will be accepted from now through 11:59pm Eastern Time on Saturday, April 8! Winner will be randomly selected and announced here on Sunday, April 9. Good luck!

UPDATE: This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to Janice McLaren!

*Please note that FQ bundle may be a variety of Literary fabrics, not neccesarily all of the ones shown in the image.

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[All images courtesy of Heather Givans]


  1. My favorite book is Lady Knight by Tamora Pierce. — I love this collection, the fabric, the thread, and the projects!

  2. It’s virtually impossible to choose a favorite book. There are so many wonderful options from books that make you stop and think to mindless beach reads and each one is a wonderful thing!

  3. That is not possible to answer! There are too many good books out there. I will say I love anything by Anita Shreve, loved The Kite Runner, and just finished Things We Have In Common by a new author, Tasha Kavanagh. I love this new line of fabric.

  4. My favorite book is Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita.” I first read it when I was a freshman at Indiana University. It is the only book I have read more than once.

  5. My favourite book at the moment is ‘Sophie’s Universe’ by Dedri Uys, because I’m working on my own version of Sophie in the evenings

  6. There’s not one favorite – but when I saw listed the Box Car Children, I remember how I loved those as a kid! Happy to know you’re in Indy…moving there soon…yay!

  7. I have read Tuck Everlasting several times and gained something more meaningful each time I read it! I had my students read it every year when I was teaching middle school so they could enjoy it too. Great read!

  8. I have been waiting a long time for this to come out. I have many books but always going back to “Gone with the Wind” when I want to relive old times.

  9. The Literary fabrics are beautiful. Of course I love all aurifil thread. I can guess at Heather’s age because my son read the “Box Car Children” series also.

  10. i have lots of favorite books, anything by sandra dallas. i love these fabrics and threads and would love to make the bookcase quilt.

  11. I love your new fabric line. It’s nice to hear that you have tried hand piecing as well as other techniques. And I have to agree that 50# Aurifil is my favorite, too!

  12. Morna’s Legacy by Bethany Claire is my favorite because it has timetravell, complex characters and a good story dealing with family.

  13. Little Women is and always will be my favorite book. I would love to have lived in that era. I love to read. Wonderful fabric and thread collection. Thanks for another great giveaway.

  14. The Bible is my favorite. It is just never ending. Your bookcase quilt is amazing by the way. Love your fabric line and the Auriful thread collection is very pretty.

  15. My favorite book is Little Women. For Christmas one year I got a special edition hardcover and I must have lost track of how many times I’ve read it. I’m 48 and I still read it whenever I’m missing family or I just don’t know what to read, then I pull out that classic and read it and just get lost in the story.

  16. Favorite book is hands down Pride and Prejudice!! I also absolutely love this collection blues are my most favorite

  17. I guess I would go back to my childhood as I too feel there are too many good books to choose. As a child I loved Dr Suess’ Yertle the Turtle and other stories. I guess it was so much of an I think I can kind of story that I loved it. I think the bird in the other story was Gertie and it let you know that you are ok the way your are. Great storys

  18. “Anne of Green Gables”!!!!! LOOOOVE her, and her friend Dianna…. Would have loved living there..even being her story! 🙂

    Thank you for chance to win this Give-a-way!! Looove the Library Quilt!!

  19. I have so many favorites! As a child, The Saturdays by Elizabeth Enright was one of the special ones. Years later, I found this book (having lost mine in a move): JOY!

  20. Oh, there are too many books to chose from! I would have to say, though, that my favorite book of all time is Where the Wild Things Are. It really makes you use your imagination and is so much fun to read, even if it is a children’s book.

  21. It’s hard to choose one book because I love so many. Think I would choose Anne of Green Gables because the story is filled with so much hope, perseverance of spirit and humanity.

  22. What gorgeous colors and the book quilting amazing!

    My favorite book tends to be whatever I’m reading at the time (usually when traveling on business), but I did just finish the Outlander series and highly recommend it.

  23. All the Harry Potter books are my favorites. I would say the first one is my favorite of all because it introduced the amazing magical world of wizardry and magic!

  24. Love the colors in the collection .. currently working a baby quilt in similar colors.

  25. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers is my all-time favorite novel. Yet, it’s really difficult to pick a favorite. It is so awesome to get lost in the world of a good book!

  26. I love too many but I guess, To Kill a Mockingbird .
    Thank you for the great giveaway.

  27. Favorite? Tie between Life, Love and Elephants by Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldick or The Last Maasai Warriors by Wilson Meikuaya and Jackson Ntirikana.

  28. Cold Mountain. Year of Wonder. Fair and Tender Ladies. So hard to pick just one favorite. Fond childhood memories of Boxcar Children.

  29. I have read the Alchemist several times. It grounds me in this evolving world I’m in!

  30. Oh how I love the literacy fabrics. Hope to make a quilt of these one day!! My favorite book is Millions and Millions of Cats, from elementary school. It was fun to read millions of times! Good luck to all in giveaway!

  31. Charlotte’s Web is my favorite book for several reason including the amazing friendship between Charlotte (my hero) and Wilbur and the amazing illustrations by Garth Williams.

  32. Love the idea of your collection and the COLORS! One of my very favorites is Jane Eyre.

  33. ONE ?!? Favorite Book? I’m note sure I can pick one. I loved The BFG by Roald Dahl, The Help, The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Society, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter… ok.. I’ll Stop.

  34. My favorite book changes from time to time. Right now I would say Little Women as I am about to read it again. Love this fabric and thread collection.

  35. Since I’m a librarian and a quilter this is absolutely perfect for me! Love the Library symbol quilt.

  36. Love love this collection! Hard question though. I love mysteries but Secret Garden is a title that sticks with me from childhood, that quiet place to disappear to.

  37. My favorite book….hmmm….hard to choose, but I would have to say The Harry Potter series. Specifically book #4. Loved the tri-wizard tournament!!

  38. I can’t really pick one favorite book today. I’m just now able to pleasure read. I have a lot of reading to catch up on, and I am savoring each book. The Host really opened my mind.

  39. One of my favorite books is ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ by Jules Verne. I was a Lit major and have many favorites, but this is one with pleasant memories of summer reading.

  40. My favorite book right now is ” The Quilt Block Cookbook” by Amy Gibson. I love all the blocks in her book, but especially love how she puts the quilts together. Queen size from 12 blocks, now who wouldn’t love it!!!

  41. The Bible is my favorite book. It teaches me about salvation and walking a Christ filled life.

  42. Hi!!! There is NO way to pick out a favorite book. I’ve (quite literally) read thousands of books. I read over 120 just last year and have been reading for over 50 years now. So many favorites, from childhood (The Wizard of Oz, Laura Ingalls series, Nancy Drew) to my modern love of urban fantasy and thrillers. I have amassed a small library in my home too. A lovely collection of both fabric and thread. Thank you so much for having the giveaway. Blessed be, hugs!!!
    pamspretties57 at gmail dot com

  43. I have so many favorites! Favorite classic though has to be To Kill a Mockingbird. Love these fabrics!!So hope my LQS will be carrying it so I can splurge!

  44. My favorite book would be my subscriptions to quilting magazines. I read them from cover to cover. Thank you for a fun giveaway.

  45. I’ve just finished reading “Lillian Boxfish takes a walk” by Kathleen Rooney.
    A great story!

  46. The Bible, Gods word is my favorite. You mentioned The Boxcar children in your article and I so loved reading those books to my son when he was little.

  47. It is so difficult to pick a favorite book, but I keep coming back to Moby Dick. I have even watched the movie starring Gregory Peck perhaps a dozen times when it makes its rounds on TV. The classic struggle of mankind fighting its demons seems to haunt me!

  48. I don’t really have one favorite book. I love reading children’s books to my grandchildren I’ve read a lot of the “classics” but can’t narrow it down to just one!!

  49. It is difficult to pick a favorite book. I just finished reading Lilly and the Octopus, which is my new favorite of the moment. It is about a dog, which is a favorite subject. ljbisme at msn dot com

  50. My favorite is the Night Before Christmas Illustrated by Grandma Moses. Yes, I’m old. lol

  51. Beautiful colors………….so many books are favorites. Just saw the movie The Shack so right now my favorite book is The Shack!

  52. Picking my favorite book is like picking my favorite child! I do love A Wrinkle In Time – every time I read it I find new things that I love in it.

  53. To choose a favourite (the correct English spelling in my neck of the woods) is exceedingly difficult. That said I will choose the dictionary. It was the only book I had to read as a child and I have it to thank for my vocabulary and my love of words.

  54. One of my favorite books right now is “Duet for Three Hands,” by Tess Thompson. Since Tess became my DIL last summer, I am slightly biased, but it is a really good book! I’m having fun designing a bookshelf quilt filled with her books and special things.

  55. Tough question, since having kids I don’t really get a chance to read, since I like to lose myself in the book and with the kids interrupting every 5 minutes, reading just isn’t as enjoyable as it used to be. But I do like my sewing books and “Sew Illustrated” gets visited often.

  56. I have two favorites. I can’t just limit it to one! The first is In This House of Brede, by Rumer Godden. It’s about Benedictine nuns in an abbey in England. The principle character leaves a successful career in government to become a postulant in her 40’s.
    The second is Pride and Prejudice by the incomparable Jane Austen. Every time I read it I laugh, cringe, marvel, and sigh. It’s nearly perfect!

  57. I really don’t have a favorite book, but both my girls are voracious readers. I’d love to make them something if I won.

  58. I don’t do much reading for myself. I only read books to my grandchildren. My favorite book to read to them is The Monster at The End of This Book.

  59. Hello, love this Collection! My Favorite Book is and will always be our Bible>The Living Word of God! Thanks You for a beautiful giveaway!

  60. So many favorites… but The Sneetches by Dr Seuss holds a very special place in my heart!

  61. I can’t pick one book…but my favorite all time is the Horatio Hornblower series. I started reading them back in ’99 when I was pregnant with my first kid and couldn’t stop. Action, adventure, honor,”s got it all!

  62. I couldn’t possibly pick just one favorite book as there are so many. It also changes over time as I go through different phases of life. Books that I have read more than once are The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

  63. To Kill a Mockingbird–I try to re-read it every year. I love the idea and execution of this line.

  64. Les Miserable–Victor Hugo Such an inspirational story—-never, ever give up or give in to less than you believe in. I loved the words and the phrases—-started keeping a list they were so beautiful.

  65. Coming Home by Rosamunde Pilcher. Such a good story – transported me to far off places.

  66. Hard to pick a favorite! I also love Coming Home by Rosamunde Pilcher. I have been waiting for this line since I saw it at Quilt Market! Gorgeous!

  67. I have many favorite books. But my current favorite is To Kill a Mockingbird Bird. I am reading it for probably the 10th or twelfth time.

  68. I don’t really read fiction any more — my free time is all about quilting! So I would have to say that some of my quilty books are my favourite, Sunday Morning Quilts, Savor Each Stitch, and Handmade Style, to name a few.

  69. My favorite books change all the time. But I have taught the Great Gatsby to my students for many years, and I never tire of hearing their responses to it. So I guess that’s the favorite. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  70. I love the Country Doctor series. An Irish Country Doctor is the first in his series. A retired doctor in real life he writes with such a whit and his characters are so full you think if you ever get to Bellybuckleboo you just might meet them!

  71. oh my goodness – I love Heather’s fabrics and she is such a happy go lucky girl (well that’s what I think she would be like – she is always so fun in photos !!) I love books and my favourite for the past few years has been The Book Thief by Markus Zusak which might have just been surpassed by The Light between the Oceans by M.L. Stedman !! fingers crossed for Heather’s fun Literary bundle !!

  72. Great article & giveaway. I love reading & it’s hard to pin down but I guess the book I go back to read time & again is Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck

  73. I go back to Jane Eyre at least once a year, but my favorite book is probably Riders of the Purple Sage, by Zane Grey. The closest prose comes to poetry, in my opinion!

  74. I always loved To Kill A Mockingbird. 🙂 But the Game of Thrones series and the first Girl with a dragon tattoo books are great every time I pick them up.

  75. The James Herriott series makes me laugh and cry, and those poor orphans trying to evade Count Olaf while dealing with a Series of Unfortunate Events are fun to follow. Your Literary Quilt is fabulous!

  76. As a teenager I loved “Gone With the Wind” but now I tend to read more non-fiction. One that I particularly enjoyed is “In a Sunburned Country” by Bill Bryson.

  77. All of my books are my favorites. I was Jo every time I read Little Women. The Help was so much of what I saw around me. Wait Till Next Year by Doris Kerns Goodwin could have been my life with my love of baseball, only she shared with her dad–I had only my transistor radio.
    I always enjo Heather’s fabrics, and this one is must have along with the Aurifil threads… Beautiful pairing!

  78. It’s so hard to choose a favorite book, but I have always loved the books about Saltkråkan by the swedish author Astrid Lindgren! She’s also the writer of Pippi Longstocking.

  79. My favorite book is Erma Bombeck collection. I just love her down to earth look on life.

  80. The one I am reading….but I do love all of Jan Karon’s books and she has a new one coming in September…already preordered!

  81. I too am a lover of Anne of Green Gables. I knew about the books, but never read them until I was much older. Much, much older! I love Heather’s newest collection!

  82. I tend to fall in love with whatever book i am reading at the time, and I am always reading a book. Though I do buy books for my iPad, I still buy hardback books for my bookshelves which drives my husband NUTS because we truly don’t have another spot in this house for another book. But I love them all. I simply can’t part with even one.

  83. I have always loved the entire Anne of Green Gables series. I love her unabashed sense of romance and deep commitment to friendship.

  84. I just finished a 3 book series by Gail Priest – “Annie Crow Knoll:Sunrise” was the first, then “Annie Crow Knoll:Sunset”, and the final was “Annie Crow Knoll:Moonrise”. I was so sad to finish – I felt like I was part of the family and like I was living right there with them! But I usually am a big fan of mysteries. Your fabrics are awesome – thanks for the chance to win 😉

  85. I am a bookworm at heart, but I mostly listen to audio books now because there’s not enough time in a day. My favorite book of all time is probably is Gone With the Wind since I read it twice and loved it!

  86. I LOVE this line, Heather is the best. I don’t read much other than toddler books to nieces and nephews these days.

  87. There are so many. It might be easier to name a favorite author, but even that would be a long list. I think Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers made an impact. The Girl from the Train also impacted me but I don’t remember the author.

  88. Love the giveaway
    Thrillers are my favorite to read so The bodies left behind by Jeffery Deaver is a favorite

  89. So many books, so little time! and so many that I’ve loved and want to read again. My latest discovery is Louise Penny and her mysteries set in Quebec with Detective Inspector Gamache.

  90. The View from Saturday by E. L. Konisburg is my favorite of all time. The experiences of the children, their cohesiveness, and overcoming adversity all keep me reading this book every year.

  91. I loved reading the comments and knowing that I’m not alone in having a hard time picking just ONE favorite book! My longest favorite would have to be A Little Princess, but then I love Jane Eyre, A Secret Garden,and just because I still love picture books I have to throw in Blue Berries For Sal
    Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, and James and The Rain (do you know any excellent rainy day games?). I love this fabric line so much!

  92. My favorite book? So many to choose from!! I love Barbara Kingsolver’s “Poisonwood Bible”. So many layers, I get something different each time I read it.

  93. I’m not sure I have a favorite book, currently. I read lots of books, and enjoy many of them, and will reread them. I like Susan Mallery, Marie Bostwick, and Debbie Macomber as authors. I also like quilt book authors Wendy Shepard, Bonnie Hunter and Eleanor Burns.

  94. Anne of Green Gables captured my heart when I was a little girl, and it still makes me smile thinking about some of those classic quotes that I still use today.

    …and can I just say thatI’ve been drooling over that set of Aurifloss since I first saw it. To say that I would love to win this would really be an understatement.

  95. My favourite book is Passages by Connie Willis. Passages is a novel about people who are experiencing near-death experiences. After I’d finished reading the book I couldn’t stop thinking about near-death experiences and what they might mean for a long time.

  96. As a librarian, it’s hard for me to choose one favourite book! Though I do have a strong fondness for Anne of Green Gables myself… Love this collection & will be using it in future projects, I am sure.

  97. I could read and reread again and again and again Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love. So that’s my favorite book.

    PS. Loved listening to your panel discussion at QuiltCon and meeting you over at the traveling Crimson & Tate booth!

  98. Little Women is my favorite book. I love the book because of the complexity of the characters, how the family is socially-conscious and the love within the family.

  99. My favorite book is Alice In Wonderland… including different takes on the story by other authors! Wonderland was the first ‘other world’ I read, & it’s as fresh in my mind as when I first read it.

  100. Thanks for jogging the memory a bit this morning. I loved “The Boxcar Children” as a child. I haven’t thought of it in years!

  101. So many great books to choose from over the course of a lifetime! But my all- time favorite is definitely Pride and Prejudice, it inspired my love for reading

  102. My favorite book changes based on what I am reading at the moment. I am a bibliophile and read as much as I have time for… when not sewing of course. However, if pressed to pick one, I would say that PauloCooehlo’s The Alchemist is a beautiful book that I have read more than once for its profound ability to inspire.

  103. My favorite book is Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon… and the following seven books after the first! Thanks for the chance to win!

  104. As a retired librarian, it’s hard to choose my favorite book, kinda like asking me to choise my fav child. I loved Harry Potter, The Outlander series and whatever I am going to read next!

  105. I love so many books but I would say my all time favorite is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. It is the beginning of a wonderful adventure.

  106. The bible is my favorite book – so many histories; so much wisdom! That being said, I am working through a lot of classic literature with my son and cannot believe the treasure we have in classic literature! We are a family of book lovers.

  107. Really a hard choice, I don’t think I have just one book I can say was my favourite, I’ve liked so many. Gone with the wind, I have reread so I’ll say that one. Love the fabric line

  108. One book I think about a lot is “Somg of the Dodo.” A journalist travels the world learning about animal adaptation based on the geography of where they live and how humans have destroyed some species i.e. the dodo.

  109. I love books. But I always have a special place in my heart for all the Nancy Drew books.

  110. Love books, combining reading and sewing is a must! Wonderful usable colors for lots of projects! Great thread colors!

  111. My favourite books include the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon…I love historical books! The biggest part of my moving is always my books!

  112. Favorite book: The Phantom Tollbooth. It’s a very clever book and funny for kids and adults.

  113. I met Heather at her shop in Indy and she is amazing and the shop is full of inspiration! So happy about Heather success with her fabric and thread line

  114. One of the most difficult questions to answer is what is my favorite book because I have so many of them. I love any book by Kate Morton, though, so I’d say her Hidden Garden is one of my favorites.

  115. Favorite book is usually the one I am reading. It isn’t possible to pick just one. Currently, I love the Massie Dobbs series.

  116. I’ve never seen a book I didn’t love, but one of my faves is Frankenstein by M. Shelley. It’s not the story you think. It’s really about how we see others who are different. Every time I read it, I the world a little differently.

  117. I don’t think I could pick a favorite. Different books have touched me in different ways that have stayed with me. Can’t wait for this line and love your Aurifil colors ❣

  118. So many ‘favorite’ books–but I do love to get lost in “Gone With the Wind”. Thanks for the giveaway!

  119. I have loved so many books, but my favorites to this very day are the Little House on the Prairie books. I have passed my love for these books onto my children. They love to read about Laura Ingalls and her family.

  120. I loved the Harry Potter series and Lord of the Rings series. I also read books on a variety of branches of science.

  121. That is a hard question! I read a lot and it is hard to choose a favorite. I love what I am reading at the time. I love reading!

  122. I think my favorite book(s) are the Calder series by Janet Daley. I’ve had them so long they are almost worn out. I also love anything Dean Koontz writes.

  123. I love the English Patient by Michael Ondaatje, it is beautifully written, full of emotion and amazing description, reading it again and again it’s now like a wonderfully comforting quilt

  124. Have several favorite books, between them, The Alchemist, The little Prince, Outrageous Openess, pretty much any quilting book, etc.
    love the fabrics and the threads. Thanks for the chance to win them.

  125. My favorite book is the thorn birds because love knows no boundaries. It’s a great lo e story.

  126. A favorite book? Narrowing that list down to one is hard so I’ll say “Outlander”. I love the series and have re-read it many times! Definitely at the top of my list! Thanks for the contest!

  127. My all time favourite book is Act One by Moss Hart, first published in 1957. It is such an uplifting life story written so beautifully. I read it over and over.

  128. My favourite books are two of the series by Robert J Sawyer, “Wake”, “Wonder”, “Watch”, and the Neanderthal Trilogy: “Hominids”, “Humans”, “Hybrids”. On point social commentary, sci-fi and full of hope and optimism – a path to a future society that I would be proud to live in.

  129. I love a lot of books. I read mystery and crime, James Patterson, Mary Higgins Clark, Harlan Corbin, Michael Connelly, Patricia Cornell, to name just a few. There is really not just one book .

  130. I love to read. I don’t have a favorite but the last book that I read that touched me was This Little Life.

  131. My favorite book is Courtship Rite by Donald Kingsbury. Every time I read and reread it makes me think and ponder. It helps me to open my mind and walk in some one else s shoes, see the world from a different perspective.

  132. It is rally hard to pick one favorite book. I have always loved Gone with the Wind since I read it back in 1969. More recently I woulld have to say the whole Outlander series of books. Not too many books I don’t like. I love to read.

  133. I love to read and have many favorites. However, if I can only pick one, right now i would have to choose ‘The Corset Diaries’ by Katie MacAlister. I love all of her books, but this one is the best, I have read it several times and I still laugh out loud every time.

  134. My favorite book is Dr. Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat Comes Back — the first book I read by myself, and I haven’t stopped for nearly 60 years! So many other favorites, of course. I am a librarian, and I have always wanted to make a bookshelf quilt! What a great inspiration this collection is!

  135. My favorite book is whatever I am currently reading. If I am not enjoying, I stop reading it.

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